Posts by Deepak Kamboj

Showing 161 to 170 of 413 Records
  • Kambojas in Manusmriti
  • Kambojas in Manusmriti

    The Manusmriti recognizes the Kambojas as a Kashatriya tribe, but includes them in the list of other warrior tribes, generally located on the outlying regions of the Madhyadesa from northwest, north, north east and south, who in consequence of their ommitting to perform the sacred ceremonies and by not serving Brahmins...

  • Mehrok or Mahrok - A Kamboj clan
  • Mehrok or Mahrok - A Kamboj clan

    After the great Mahabharta under the leadership of King Sudakshna. Mahroks fought valiantly from Kauravas side but lost and the armies dispersed in the forests of Kurekshetra and karnal and the dream of being victorious was left in tatters. Being kashatries it was dishonorable to return back. The mahroks belonging to this...