Martyrdom Day - 23rd March

The death anniversary of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru on 23 March, is declared to be Martyrs' Day. 23rd March 1931, marks the Balidan or Martyrhood a sacrifice that can not easily be forgotten in Indian Freedom Struggle. BhagatSingh, Rajguru, Sukhdev three revolutionaries that shaped the modern and Young India are never as relevant as they were at any point of time. Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev were sentenced to death in the Lahore conspiracy case and ordered to be hanged on 24 March 1931.
On 17 March 1931, the Home Secretary, Punjab, sent a telegram to the Home Department, New Delhi, fixing the execution on 23 March 1931. Singh was informed that his execution had been advanced by 11 hours on 23 March 1931, just a few hours before his execution. Singh was hanged on 23 March 1931 at 7:30 pm in Lahore jail with his fellow comrades Rajguru and Sukhdev. It is reported that no magistrate of the time was willing to supervise his hanging. The execution was supervised by the Honorary Magistrate of Kasur, Nawab Muhammad Ahmad Khan Kasuri, who also signed Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev's death warrants as their original warrants had expired. The jail authorities then broke the rear wall of the jail and secretly cremated the three martyrs under cover of darkness outside Ganda Singh Wala village, and then threw the ashes into the Sutlej river, about 10 km from Ferozepore (and about 60 km from Lahore).
Shaheed Bhagat Singh
Bhagat Singh was an immensely talented, charismatic and scholarly young man who epitomised the best values of secularism and rationality, led by example, put his nation, team and people before himself, practised a rigorous disciplined work ethic, willingly embraced self-denial and represented the common man of India.
In the words of Subhash Chandra Bose: "Bhagat Singh had become the symbol of the new awakening among the youths ...". Nehru acknowledged that the popularity of Singh was leading to a new national awakening, saying: "He was a clean fighter who faced his enemy in the open field....he was like a spark that became a flame in a short time and spread from one end of the country to the other dispelling the prevailing darkness everywhere."
Four years after Singh's hanging, the Director of the Intelligence Bureau, Sir Horace Williamson, wrote:
"His photograph was on sale in every city and township and for a time rivalled in popularity even that of Mr. Gandhi himself."
Shaheed Bhagat Singh (1907-1931) is remembered as Shaheed-e-Azam. His
Deepak Kamboj started and conceptualized the powerful interactive platform - in September 2002, which today is the biggest and most popular online community portal for Kambojas in the world. He was inspired by the social and community work carried out by his father Shri Nanak Chand Kamboj. He has done research on the history, social aspects, political growth and economical situation of the Kamboj community. Deepak Kamboj is an author of various articles about the history of Kamboj community and people.